The absolute, undeniable greatest of all time. The woman who won the Vixens Cup within three months of her debut. The icon who would enter the ring after a weekend of cocaine and being kicked from the discord chat to be the final and most important holder of the Vixens World Championship. The legend who posted eight promos in eight days on Cailin Dillon, allowed her to win and then exposed her as a catfish. The superstar who smacked Cameron Ella Ava up for fun, suplexed Kendra Shamez at Pain for Pride, destroyed The Heart Break Gal without breaking a sweat. The phenom who won Rookie of the Year and Women's match of the Year rewards before losing to Aria Jaxon moments later in around thirteen seconds. The trailblazer, the first woman to shift out of Empire to take on the likes of TLA, Mr. DEDEDE and Jamie O'Hara in EXTREMELY close and competitive contests. The revolutionist who would be fired by Eclipse one day and cyber him/her the next. Her looks would kill and her promos would slaughter. The best in the world, the founder of German Efficiency and the unintentional starter of the greatest e-fed civil war ever witnessed by man, woman or child.
Sheridan Müller.