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Ambition Empty
PostSubject: Ambition   Ambition I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 24, 2020 11:39 pm

The DOMINION Before Last…

That felt amazing.

Like… really, really amazing.

They had done it. He and Quinn had actually fucking did it, not only didn’t MYOJIN tap out this time… He and Quinn stole the whole show. They beat those other three tag teams. They were the number one contenders to the Campeonatos de Parejas… and it was such an amazing feeling to make such an amazing comeback after his embarrassment the last time they faced three other tag teams. MYOJIN couldn’t really even think straight after that- both ecstatic and in disbelief, as he and Quinn made they were backstage. Everything sort of became a blur after that.

He knew he and Quinn had talked excitedly. Giving each other great props for what they accomplished in that match. They had a good fight., they showcased what they were truly capable of as a team giving it all. But they both knew what it meant for them coming soon. It was both something to seriously anticipate in the future, but a bit nervewracking and even… scary. They were going to be facing the tag team champions in Wrestleworld…. In their third match. There was a bit of doubt underlying in MYOJIN’s mind, the more they thought about it. Could they do it? Could they become champions that fast on this island?

Hell yeah, they could! MYOJIN knew that he had the talent. He knew Quinn had the talent. They just have to keep their eyes on the prize… and not let themselves get overwhelmed. After a while of talking, they eventually decided to part ways for the night- fist-bumping each other before heading in different directions.

MYOJIN headed down the hallways of the backstage area. A large, confident grin on his face as he did. Though, admittedly- he did feel like a bit of mess. Sweaty, his hair looking like he just got out of bed, his eyeliner and eye shadow ruined just a tad- and his abdomen hurt. Maybe that Divine Star Press on the outside wasn’t the best idea, but it stole the spotlight- and to be honest? MYOJIN fucking loved that. He loved having all that attention on himself, so even if he did practically get winded for the rest of the match- It was spectacular!

“Hello, MYOJIN? I would like to ask you a few questions.’

The Shining Star raised his eyebrows, not recognizing the monotone feminine voice. He turned toward a seemingly youthful lady with a microphone in her hands. He believed she seemed familiar- her name was Joy, wasn’t it? He quickly changed his slightly surprised demeanor into a cool, relaxed demeanor- putting on his poker face. Even toning down the excitement in his voice.

“Yes, miss? What would you like to know from the Shining Star?” MYOJIN asked with a charismatic, small grin. Though Joy didn’t really seem amused.

“Tonight, you and Nathan Quinn just beat multiple other tag teams and now will be challenging for the Campeonatos de Parejas at Chapter 18. Is there anything that you would like to say to the viewers at home?”

“Yes, actually. I do.” MYOJIN noticed a cameraman walking close. His smug little grin faded into a more serious expression.

“For those who still doubt us, how does it feel to be eating your own words? I did exactly what I said we would do, Joy. We came to DOMINION and we showed Wrestleworld just how valuable we are. For those who think it was a fluke, how do you explain both of us pinning two teams just like that? I refuse to be humiliated again, and I showed just why I am the sole star of this promotion. Quinn and I? We click easily, he’s a partner that I wouldn’t switch for the world. We’re here to win and that’s what we’re going to continue to do.” MYOJIN crossed his arms.

“Is there anything you would like to say to the champions, Red Zone District?”

MYOJIN stared directly into the camera’s view. “I truly do appreciate you holding and keeping those titles nice and pretty for us. But we’re here to relieve you of that burden. Those are going to be coming home with us. We’ll be seeing you soon, lovelies. Mwah!” MYOJIN blew a kiss toward the camera with his grin returning.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see…. Austin! Austin Rex, the guy that was the reason he was there in the first place. Rex seemingly motioned for MYOJIN to come over to him with a proud look on his face.

“Now if you excuse me, Joy- I have to go.” The Shining Star nodded toward the intern interviewer before walking toward Austin.

“Hey, kid! What you and Quinn did out there tonight was great! I knew you were promising.” Rex exclaimed, giving the young wrestler a pat on the shoulder. MYOJIN raised an eyebrow, snorting in an arrogant manner.

“Of course I am.”

Rex simply rolled his eyes.

“Alright, alright, kid. Don’t get too cocky. This is only your first win and RZD is definitely going to be a challenge for you and your partner, but I definitely believe you guys can beat them both… Speaking of them, actually, I didn’t just come here to congratulate you.”

“Oh?” That piqued MYOJIN’s interest. “What’s the other reason, then?”

“You know Drake and Jones, right?”

MYOJIN scoffed. “I’d be a little more than naive if I didn’t. They’re the Architects for the tag team division.”

Rex chuckled. “Good, good. Because they have an opportunity for you and your partner involving RZD. See, they’re going to be hosting a little ‘party’ that they’re more than sure of RZD showing to interrupt..”

“And they want you and your partner to be there.”

The sound of movement and tumbling against a mat could be heard throughout the empty building. The camera view panned around to show the building was a gym, one kept in a rather well condition- with punching bags and other exercising tools. Given the pictures framed on the wall of MYOJIN’s older brother, Satoshi’s championship wins in the octagon and other pictures of the Kuromiya family in general- This gym was obviously Satoshi’s.

It had temporarily closed for his obvious reason. But it was growing closer and closer until Satoshi would be legally allowed to reopen the place, with precautions of course.

Satoshi, like the other two siblings, had always been a fantastic technician in any fight in MMA. He had definitely been promising, his talent would’ve led to such a successful career- But unfortunately, his leg had been broken severely. It was nearly career-ending, but he had been able to heal. Though ever since… Satoshi decided to not go back to being an active combatant. MYOJIN and their sister, Akira, obviously understood why he decided to stop- but it was a bit heartbreaking to see someone meant for the business simply stop…

So they and their parents had suggested he at least start up a gym. A place to train others and teach them the skills that Satoshi had. That’s honestly what MYOJIN had been doing at the moment, learning from his brother.

The two grappled on the mat, trying to take ground control as Satoshi ordered MYOJIN what to do next. Going through multiple forms and stances on the mat, as he was helping the younger brother master a new move he had been working on. MYOJIN eventually managed to get around Satoshi’s back and lock his legs around his waist, trapping him as he placed his arms around his shoulder and neck for the Twister submission, or the Myojin Lock as he called it. Satoshi quickly tapped the mat with a little laugh. “Okay, man! You got me, jeez!”

MYOJIN sat up and panted, using his sports tee to wipe the sweat off of his face. “How was that?” He asked.

“You’re getting better at getting able to lock it in fast. That’s good. It’s a complicated move and it takes a hell of a lot of effort to be fast enough and precise to get it right, but you’re starting to get it better. Keep up the good work, Shouta.”

MYOJIN smiled at his older brother, nodding toward him. “Good- Relying on my 450 splash all the time is just going to start hurting my ribs and knees. Can’t rely on high flying all the time.”

“Ah,” Satoshi mused, scratching the bit of his stubble on his chin. “Now I understand why you kept working on that. Has the whole professional wrestling thing been going well?”

“Mhm. It’s tiring to travel all the time, but it’s definitely worth it. It’s definitely a lot more chaotic than what I’m used to, but I love it.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” A moment of silence passed between the two as they took a moment to catch their breath. Satoshi began to stand with a grunt. “I’m going to go grab us some towels, I’ll be back soon enough.”

“Right, gotcha.”

The older Kuromiiya brother began walking off toward a back room. MYOJIN watched him for a few moments as he left, before turning toward the camera view. He crossed his legs and tilted his head, looking all around himself.

“You know, a place like this? This is… a safe haven for me. As someone who’s always thinking of trying to figure out how to perfect my craft, my abilities, my skills- Always trying to figure out how to improve my game to be better than my opponents- A peaceful place to train, with a family that I trust, nonetheless… is almost therapeutic. It’s such a great feeling to have when you finally master a submission, or a move, or anything really. Even something, in theory, as simple as a guillotine choke.”

“You see, Red Zone District, I’m always trying to better myself. Always trying to get better what I do, I take pride in mixed martial arts- In professional wrestling. Enough to where I want to become the best and prove I’m the best- and it’s taken trial and error.” MYOJIN briefly smiled in reminiscence, pointing to the tip of his nose.

“Like the time where my nose was broken so badly that I couldn’t breathe for the rest of a fight- I know, I know- I’m so pretty it’s hard to believe that I ever have been harmed.” MYOJIN shrugged with a cocky little expression.

“But I’ve taken my fair share of beatings… every time, I take the opportunity- after I’m done being pissed off about it- to learn what my mistake was. I like to study my opponents, I try to get some training at any time I can. I guess…. What I’m trying to say is that I put in effort. I put in the work.”

“Can, uh, can you two really say the same?” MYOJIN mockingly grimaced, as if it weren’t himself who just said that. “I mean don’t get me wrong, you guys, I’ve done my research on you both. When you guys came to Wrestleworld, you were out here destroying any tag team put in front of you. Hell, you guys even took out the Architects of this division! Everyone thinks you’re both an unstoppable force that even Drake and Jones were afraid of.”

“Well, everyone except for me and Quinn. See, we’re opportunists. We will take any chance we can get in order to reach the top of the mountain. Even opportunities like… sneak attacking you two.”

MYOJIN simply giggled, flamboyantly placing a hand to the side of his cheek. “So sorry about that… Though when we put you both through tables, I learned something. Something actually pretty surprising for champions… I mean… you weren’t expecting us. You simply just walked into a trap. Neither of you considered the possibility that Quinn and yours truly, the new contenders to your titles, would be coming for your throats.”

“I realized that you both are… extremely sloppy.”

“I come from a world where fighting’s all I know. I was raised and trained to be one. I always loved and craved that action and I loved learning about it and watching wrestling, MMA, boxing too. And at a very young age- I learned just how powerful ambition can be. See, when I first started out as a fighter, I realized what hunger felt like. The hunger as a competitor to rise further and reach for the champion. It’s what drives me to keep winning, that same hunger whenever I get in the ring- to become the center of attention, to become the BEST.”

“It’s like survival of the fittest, really. The hungrier, the more ambitious, the more competitive fighter is the one who always is gonna be finding themselves draped in championship gold and accolades; success. So… you can imagine how irritating it is for me to you two, some guys who just decided after being kicked out of football, they’d start wrestling- That in itself isn’t bad, but you two seem to take none of this seriously.. You seem to put in… the bare minimum when it comes to effort.”

“I mean, let’s be honest- When you guys first came to this division, it was when tag teams were just starting. It was easy to win and easy to dominate for you both because of how big and strong you are. You won the championships, and as a champion- You have to be vigilant, you have to watch your back, because everyone who feels that sense of ambition, that hunger, is going to be coming for you.”

“Meanwhile, what do you guys do? You just… party. You don’t seem to really take pride in defending those belts. You don’t seem to care THAT much about even learning what your opponents are capable of, hell- You’re so lazy you have some random guy do all the research for you. You treat all your opponents like they’re completely incapable of beating either of you… and pride leads to the fall, boys. I know, a bit ironic coming from me.”

“Quinn and I are dedicated to this. We’re willing to do whatever it takes to leave with those belts. Do you think the fact that you both have some football player strength means something? Well, it won’t matter much when I bend your cervical spines the wrong way with the Myojin Lock.”

“We’re two who have been putting in the effort. We’ve only been here for a small while, but we’re going to make sure we show we aren’t just some average newcomers.”

“But, considering you two are both probably the jockiest jocks I’ve ever seen, neither of you are actually probably listening to a single word that I’ve said. So let me make it simple to the kings, queens, and royalty in between listening at home: Who do you all think has a higher chance of winning? Ambitious challengers? Or careless, nonchalant champions? I think the answer is pretty easy.”

Satoshi eventually returned with the towels, tossing one to MYOJIN after camera. “Wanna run this one back again sometime before you head out to travel?”

“Yeah, sure. Definitely.” MYOJIN looked back toward the camera before leaning forward to turn it off. “Can’t wait to finally get to fight you, boys. It’s going to be a great time.” He winked before turning off the camera.
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