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PostSubject: Control and Chaos   Control and Chaos I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 08, 2020 12:09 am

Training was all he could really do to keep himself sane at the moment.

It was rather late at night- Everyone else exercising and/or practicing had left a while ago- Which was just how he preferred. Alone, to himself, to his own thoughts. Practicing dives and somersaults off the top rope. Backrolls, springboards, and cartwheels- MYOJIN practiced these athletic routines again and again in some high-end training gym in Wrestleworld. The Shining Star wore a simple Nike tee, some athletic basketball shorts, and sneakers. He rebounded off the ropes a few times, practicing leapfrogs and slides. Again and again, he continued these patterns- because it was all he could do to really get the nervousness out of his system. There was a bit of dread… The blonde couldn’t exactly explain what it was… he never really felt this way because of any other fight he had experienced in his life.

Maybe it was because of the fact that he was going to be in probably the most dangerous fight of his career, maybe his life even. The cage he was going to be in was nothing like the octagon. He wasn’t going to be fighting one person, or two other people, or three other people- No… It was going to be about FIFTEEN other wrestlers... And to top off all that pressure? MYOJIN felt like he needed to do his absolute best to impress, that he needed to look his best like never before, ...AND not only that- But how the fuck was someone supposed to prepare for a match like that? Simple textbook wrestling training just wouldn’t cut it, would it?

The Japanese Aristocrat sat down and took a deep breath, wiping the sweat off his forehead and taking a swig from his water bottle as he sat at the apron of the ring. Letting out a soft pant as he looked around and looked toward the cameraman. He knew he had specifically asked for a camera guy to come around and film his training, but that wasn’t the only reason. MYOJIN had something on his mind as he took deep breaths, the blood and adrenaline still rushing through his veins as he attempted to call himself down.

“Hey, that camera’s still running, right?” He asked with a slightly hoarse voice. The Shining Star cleared his throat and took a swig from his water bottle once more. The cameraman simply nodded and MYOJIN flashed a little smile. “Good, make sure it catches my good side.” He noted, brushing his golden hair out of his face and tilting his head over so slightly as he licked his lips, preparing to speak.

“Hello kings, queens, and all you royalty in between that’ll be seeing this footage sooner or later- Sorry for not exactly looking my prettiest at the moment.” MYOJIN said with a small laugh, rubbing his well-sculptured jawline as he leaned his head against the second rope- still casually dangling his feet off of the apron.

“You know, I’ve never been exactly a person who dealt with his feelings very normally.” He admitted. “Whenever I’ve ever gotten anxious or uneasy about something, I never really deal with as I probably should… Instead, I’d just bring myself around to a kickboxing gym or any place that had a punching bag for me to strike, someone to spar with, or even just a steady wrestling ring for me to jump around in practice landings. Stuff that’d get the blood pumping in me and make me forget why I’d feel so nervous in the first place. Usually, it’d work- After a while in a personal sanctuary such as this, I’d start to build up some confidence- about whatever. Fighting someone never really intimidated me, but just overall… living life could be extremely scary at times. I’m sure everyone has had a moment where they could agree with that statement.”

“But… I just can’t get rid of that negative feeling right now.” MYOJIN frowned, taking another drink from his bottle. Though after shaking it above his head a few times, he realized it was dry and sighed.

“Dreamscape is probably going to be the biggest match of my career. It’s probably the biggest match of everyone that’s going to BE in that cage’s career, whether they have the humility to admit it or not. It’s a weird feeling... I both am absolutely anticipating it, but at the same time it’s been frightening to think about- Just the overall danger that match could bring and the opportunity it will offer has been making the hairs stand on the back of my neck ever since it was announced I was going to be apart of it- And I think what’s been bothering me is that I know how chaotic that match will be… and it’ll be out of my control- and I’m a control freak. I personally get my ring gear tailored, get my nails done precisely, redo my makeup until I get it right to live up to the expectations that are set for me- The wow and amaze the crowd with my theatrics and my ability.”

“So I have to admit, I’m a bit envious of everyone else that’s going to be in there with me…” MYOJIN raised his eyebrows, almost seemingly questioning himself if he had seriously just said that out loud. “I mean, everyone else seems to be extremely confident about being able to pull off an enormous win in the Dreamscape. Everyone else seems to have their head in the game, or some sort of plan ready to use. I wish I could say I’m the same, but…”

The blonde beauty simply shrugged his shoulders with a sigh. “I’m not… and while I’m envious, at the same time- I think I’m starting to be glad I’m not.”

“For instance, look at Emmanuelle- She’s so confident in her abilities that she already has a fucking custom title championship ready for use. She has even fully said she doesn’t believe anyone but her could win the match. She isn’t even WORRIED! ...And I have to say, she’s being kinda dumb for that. When you have your head that far up your own ass and become so delusional that you start to believe not a single of the fourteen people in that cage should be a serious threat, you’re just asking to get yourself proven wrong. Self-confidence is a good thing, arrogance is not... And she has a LOT of arrogance. Enough to the point where she’ll probably get careless, enough to the point where she stops taking everyone in that ring less serious and gets shown up for it.”

“She says the problem with me is that I care about how she hates wrestling... Then she says she’s going to show Wrestleworld how to be a true leader and drag us all to some grand new era. How am I supposed to believe that when she doesn’t give that much of a shit, if at all? What would make her a better leader if she doesn’t care? She’s even outright dismissed me by noting she’s tapped me out before.”

MYOJIN paused and looked dead serious into the camera. “Okay. And?”

“She beat me once. She caught someone who was getting a bit of stage fright in front of a super large crowd off-guard. I’ve steeled my nerves since then… Well, mostly. And I can assure everyone watching AND her- That won’t fucking happen again.”

“Then there’s Mark Frenzy, who has so much ego for a guy who looks like he had botched plastic surgery for his cheekbones. He called me a snowflake for calling him out on his transphobic bullshit- If that doesn’t tell you all enough about me, I don’t know what will. He’s a self-absorbed, unoriginal, wannabe tough guy that thinks he’s the second coming of Christ. He says I want to be treated with special rules, but I’m not the one acting like big man on campus after doing absolutely nothing. If he thinks I’m a ‘snowflake’ for noting how shitty a human being he is, that’s fine. Once this snowflake breaks his arm, what will he be considered then?” MYOJIN gave a small wink to the camera.

“Oh, and Jensen Lane- Who claims she’s beaten me before and that I don’t deserve to be in this match. One: She must have beaten me in her imagination because she never has. Two: I put on one of the greatest tag-team matches Wrestleworld will ever see, yeah I lost, but it’s still more than anything you’ve done. You’re some girl who’s trying to play tough and scary when in all honesty, you just come off as laughable. Plus… didn’t you break up with your girlfriend and claim you’re straight? ...You do realize sexuality doesn’t work that way, right? It’s not something you can just turn on and off again. You have some seriously repressed issues that you should probably go see therapy for if you’re trying to convince yourself you’re suddenly straight now.”

A grin grew on his face once more. “And of course, my once partner in crime, Nathan Quinn. He thinks I’m all flash and no substance, conveniently forgetting that I’m a technician god in the ring when I want to be. I respect the guy, but he seems to not think I’m to be taken that seriously. I’ll show him just how big of a threat I can be. You better fucking bring it, Nathan. I know I will.”

“The problem with everyone I just listed is that they have this idea that they can be in control of the entire match and force it to go the way they want it. But this match is going to be pure chaos, and it’s going to be out of anyone’s control. As someone who’s had strategies in the octagon and has faced others with strategies, that shit goes straight out the window when suddenly the heel of someone’s foot meets your chin. The way to survive chaos is not by what you plan to do, but what you actually do when the moment arises- And I’m going to prove that soon enough.”

MYOJIN blew a kiss to the camera before hopping off the apron.

“And scene.”
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