Alice: Thank you for your time doctor. I do everything I can to do better.
(A Good doctor nods as Alice walks out of it and Dr. Sticklemeir close to the door behind her. She begins to walk away and looks back.)
Alice: God I glad to be away with that dickhead. Now I can go find the way to get The Kennedy's
(Alice continues walking, spotted Alexis Blackwell watching Dominion.)
Alexis: I guessed that Sensitivity Training went well huh?
Alice: Yep, it went well pretty nicely. So how was our mentor in the Tag Team match?
Alexis: Unfortunately she and her partner Saria lost but there's some intentions between Horror and Striker at the end of the match.
Alice: Dammit!!
Alexis: Hey, proud it wasn't you in this match, knowing that you got sent to this place. You got to take your responsibility for your misdeeds, Understand? I'm not being hard on you but i'm saying this has a friend who's a fellow wrestler who trains with Beauty Melanie, all I saying is that you need to be careful what you say next time because if it happens your boss Clyde Livingston will not thinking about suspended you. He'll think about firing you and you can kiss that Hybrid Tag Team Championship dreams or ANY other championship dreams goodbye, are we clear on that?
Alice: *head down* Crystal Clear.
(Alexis patted Alice on the head)
Alexis: Good! Hope everything I said to you was a wake up call to you, and a good lesson for you to learn.
Alice: You're right I owned you ladies *sniffled in tears* a-a-apology, straight up apology! If it wasn't for me, I would be in a tag team match with my mentor instead I was gotten into this Sensitivity Training if I didn't go hell Clyde Livingston would suspend me anyway, Shit!
Alexis: Hey Alice be proud that your GM of Dominion did threatened to Suspend you and not fired your ass, just be careful for what you say from now on, come on we going to get Melanie and head back to SoCal House of Wrestling and figure out what are you guys next moves hopefully you'll be booked for Dominion #12.
Alice: Hopefully I can't wait to get back in that damn ring again.
(Alice was finished with her Sensitivity Training and Alexis Blackwell was ready to pick her up and go get Beauty Melanie from her match at Dominion.)