General Information.
Ring Name:The Sinner AJ F’N Jenkynx
Real Name:Antonio Jenkins Jr
Physical Information.
Pic Base:The Rabid Wolverine Chris Benoit
Appearance and Outfit of Choice: Black tights With the word sin on both sides with red mark like blood in the middle.
Gimmick Information.
Alignment: Face | Neutral | Heel/Heel
Tendency to Cheat: Never | Sometimes | Often | Always/Sometimes
Gimmick Description: I tried to please people they don’t care about anything.
Brief Biography: I sinned for a person who brought me back to life. The saint is dead.
Motivations: Nobody
Wrestling Information.
Entrance Theme: Burn In My Light Remixed by Mercy Drive
Entrance Description (optional):Randy Orton basically with pyro and ring pyro
Wrestling Style:High Flyer
Favorite Match Type(s):Hardcore
Favorite Weapon(s):Flaming Tables
Moveset Information.
Common Moves (7 Max)
1.630 Senton
2.Stone Cold Stunner
3.SpringBoard Cutter
4. Bullet Tope Suicida
6.German Suplex
7.Curb Stomp
Signature Moves
1. Superkick
2. Bitter End
3. Diving Headbut
4. Wicked Sins(End Of Heartache)
5. Lucky13
Finishing Moves:
1. Broken Dreams(Tiger Driver)
2. 8 Deadly Sins(Rings Of Saturn)
3. Spanish Fly
Ultimate Finisher: I’mdeadlier(Accolade)
Additional Notes about the Character. (optional)
Handler Information. (optional)
Name:Antonio Jenkins
Twitter (if applicable):AJ_FN_Jenkyx
Discord (if applicable):S.E. Saint AJ Jenkynx#8140