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 Ah shit, here we go again.

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Alyssa Grace
Alyssa Grace

Posts : 13
Join date : 2020-02-15
Age : 24
Location : South East, England.

Ah shit, here we go again. Empty
PostSubject: Ah shit, here we go again.   Ah shit, here we go again. I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 27, 2020 11:48 am

Ah shit, here we go again. PlainThoseAldabratortoise-size_restricted

Post King Of The World..

"Are you okay?"

Alyssa remained silent. Besides demanding that an attending Gabrielle attend to her wound, she hadn't spoken a word since being freed from those wretched handcuffs used to ruin her opportunity. She didn't know what to say. The medical office of the show's arena was deadly silent and awkward, the only sounds were the muffled sounds of the continuing show.

"I'm fine." She spoke eventually, tone flat and emotionless. "The gash is a superficial wound like you said and I doubt my wrists will bruise too badly from those cuffs." Gabrielle stood in the corner of the makeshift office, head titled to the side, admiring her friend who once again found herself covered in her own blood, the gash on her forehead had been cleaned up by the dry blood still remained.

"I wasn't talking about your injuries Alyssa." Gabrielle walked over to the sink and dampened some tissue, handing it to Alyssa to wipe the blood from her face, the latter did so silently as Gabrielle took a seat. "The doctor in me doesn't approve of your constant lack of concern for your body and really you should tone down getting busted open because week after week we have this conversation.. but the friend in me knows how much this business means to you. I'm your friend first and I've seen you grow into the competitor you are today and despite all the tribulations you've been through I can't recall ever seeing you so.. lifeless."

Alyssa ran a hand through her bloodsoaked hair, sighing a little whilst trying to organise the thoughts in her mind. "Pass me my bag and turn away will you?" She asked and Gabrielle complied, throwing the clean clothes from the bag in the corner in Alyssa's direction. Alyssa changed from her gear, deciding that it was probably time to throw said piece away, once in her normal attire of black jeans and a comfortable sweater, she began to speak, a little more life returning to her.

"I'm fucking frustrated." She chuckled airily. "There's so much going on in my professional life right now and it's difficult to prioritise and cope with things, that's part of the job though and I'm still learning how to perfect that aspect. I'm relatively new to the wrestling world and sometimes that shows, despite my best efforts to act like a veteran. You know me, I'm a perfectionist and sometimes it's a hard pill to swallow for me knowing that I cannot automatically be the best at everything. Wrestling is one of those things. Don't get me wrong, I adore learning more about this craft, I love developing my abilities and I enjoy teaching myself crazy shit to do in that ring, I'll happily be a student until one day I can become the teacher. But I'm human and sometimes stress gets to me. Recently? That's happened more than I care to admit, my streak of impressiveness and all that here has kind of died a little. I'm still pissed at myself for confusing the situation of the match I just lost but all I can do now is right my recent wrongs." Pausing her rant momentarily, Alyssa indicated for Gabrielle to pass her a bottle of water which she did and after taking a swig of the drink, she continued, getting a little more fired up.

"If you had told me last month that I'd be thrown into this mess with the damn Underworld I would've laughed and called you an idiot. How in the Hell did I wind up in this position? Like honestly, I don't give a damn about anything else really. I damn sure didn't wake up one morning and think to myself, 'Alyssa, you really need to take down an expanding group of selfish, stuck up, idiots who represent everything you're against' but here we fucking are. The root of all my problems comes down to this group and don't get me started on Wraith, I'm so tempted to get a lawsuit on that mother-." She threw her hands up dramatically and groaned loudly, clearly irritated, stopping herself before becoming too heated. "I came into this company just wanting to wrestle, just wanting to do the best I could and maybe pick up a title or two but now? Now I want to get rid of the Underworld, nothing more, nothing less, I may not be able to do that on my own but thankfully a lot of other women here have the same mentality as I and I'm pretty certain that if I can work alongside some of the women here, we wouldn't stop until our mission is complete. It's very hard to make things personal with me, I don't believe in playing mind games and things like that, to me it's nothing more than a waste of time but once things are slightly personal with Alyssa Grace? It becomes painful for everyone else involved."

The room fell silent once more but this time it wasn't as awkward, the two women were coming to a kind of silent understanding, an agreement of some sorts, after a few minutes she jumped up, a more relaxed expression on her features, she felt like herself again. "I think I'm ready to go home now." Gabrielle nodded, not even bothering asking if she wanted to stick around to watch the rest of the show, the pair could always catch up on anything important tomorrow morning. Right now it was probably best for Alyssa to be as far away from anything Wrestleworld related.

⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤

Lord, jesus.

I am not a praying woman. I don’t believe in God. The last time I stepped foot inside of a church, lightning nearly struck me down. But before this week is over, I feel like I’m going to have to search for God. You know, the person or thing or whatever that lives in Heaven, and that people are supposed to pray too whenever they feel like they need salvation. Because I’ll tell you one thing right now, I need a higher power in my life if I’m going to continue to listen to the Underworld this week. I can already bet that the garbage offering(s) will be nothing more than a wash, rinse, and repeat of what has been previously said. And before someone tries to throw a stone at my glass house, I’m fully aware you can say the same thing about me. The fact of the matter is, I have nothing to say about this group that I haven’t already said. How can I really pull myself out of this when every member of the Underworld makes me want to blow my goddamn brains out? Perhaps that’s the strategy. Who knows with? I don’t even feel like wasting anymore time addressing anyone directly because I know that no matter how hard they try to get rid of me, they can never get the job permanently done, they don't possess the ability to hurt me. The insults thrown are nothing more than cheap versions of the same things everyone else says. It’s rudimentary, and at times extremely boring. I’m not going to get into a pissing contest this week, I don’t have the energy to argue with a brick wall. I know what I’ve managed to do since coming to Wrestleworld.

I have changed this game. Love me or hate me but I'm changing this business as we speak. I’m not a pawn in anyone’s game. I’m a daughter, a friend, a believer, a renegade, and a damn good wrestler. I’m not a background character, or a puppet. I’m a free spirit, the real fucking deal with it comes to this place. I’m on my way to becoming the face of Wrestleworld. I’m the saving grace. No one brings what I bring, and no one can deny it. They might not say it. They might not like to admit it. But it’s the truth. I’m the break out star. I’m who’s up next. And I have every right to see myself as I do because whatever I say, I back up in the ring and even if I do bite off more than I can chew on occasion? I'm always back the next week ready to improve.

I have mixed feelings about what happened to me at King of The World, and I’ve done absolutely nothing but think of that ladder match since I woke up the morning after. The way I look at it, I currently have a few options. I could be disappointed and down on myself for not getting the job done, but I also realise that the match was taken out of my hands. I had to sit there and powerlessly watch as what should've been mine fall into very undeserving hands thanks to Wraith doing his best impersonation of a fifty shades of grey character by handcuffing me in front of all those people. How humiliating huh? None of us know how that match would have ended up if that didn't happen. This week and the weeks to come won't be the time for me to focus on securing myself a title opportunity. That will come in due time, but adding another victory over The Underworld (if I'm lucky specifically Wraith) is something I’m more than ready to add to my record. It's common knowledge how people with a brain cell feel about the Underworld but allow me to reiterate for any new watchers or people who've been living under a rock, the Underworld are nothing more than a vast collection of narcissistic, secretly insecure, idiotic and childish bullies. The henchmen doing the dirty work of Claudia Micheals clearly know no better and Claudia's campaign against any other woman that breathes here is ridiculous, it's the latest thing she's doing in an attempt to keep her name relevant. It surprises me that this group are able to seemingly expand by the week, where are they finding people stupid enough to- actually, you know what? It doesn't matter, bring all the people on your side as you'd like because inevitably they'll all get knocked down. This Cash Corleone lad is included in that list. Technically I can't hate him as much as the rest of the Underworld, yet, because he hasn't given me a reason to, all I really get from him is that he's yet another rich guy who believes he's entitled to every and anything the world has to offer, and as stupid as I believe him to be, the reality is that there's been plenty of men like him before and there will be plenty of men to come after him, there'll be a million Cash Corleone's and a million more Wraith's but only one Alyssa Grace and only one Stephanie Matsuda. The Underworld fail to see that unlike us, they're easily duplicated and not that special.

We don't even need to dedicate a section to Wraith because as much as his ego would love that, we all know my opinion on him and that opinion isn't going to change, not now, not ever. All I'll say is "AlL yoU HaD tO Do wAS PlaY nIcE", practice what you preach.

When I look at the plethora of female talent backstage, I see a lot of diversity, a lot of differences and that brings a smile to my face because god would it be boring and traditional for us all to be the same, but what makes me smile even more is the fact that the ladies appear to be united against the Underworld. My partner for this week, Stephanie Matsuda is one woman who's certainly had her fair share of troubles against the Underworld and for the record she's someone who I professionally respect the hell out of and personally quite like despite our lack of introduction/time spent together in the ring. I'm glad that we're finally getting a chance to interact somehow and I'm even more glad that we can fight on the same side. I'm going to prove to be a worthy partner to her and I won't do anything that'd put our chances of victory in jeopardy, I won't let anyone down, not again. Matsuda and I have a ton of motivation going into this week, not that our respective work ethics ever need to be questioned. We're both really hard workers, we've both got heart and we both want to continue to succeed despite people doing their best to stop said succession. It's so refreshing to me that both of us are on the same page this week and it's confirmation that I'm not going crazy and in fact the Underworld are certainly a huge fucking problem. I know she wants to kick some Underworld ass just as much as I do. So that's exactly what we're going to do.

No gimmicks, no games, no tricks. Nothing but pure wrestling, the sport that Matsuda and I share the same love for and the sport that our opposition are foolishly trying to taint.
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