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The Silver Starlet Show: Pilot Episode Empty
PostSubject: The Silver Starlet Show: Pilot Episode   The Silver Starlet Show: Pilot Episode I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 23, 2020 11:58 pm

The Silver Starlet Show: Pilot Episode XLU6K6E
[Emmanuelle hears her phone blaring a catch little jazz tune and flashing lights, alerting her to a phone call as she was trying to enjoy some hard-earned rest after headlining another small outlaw promotion's most recent event. The number on the phone makes her brow furrow a bit, but she accepts the call and holds it to her ear.]

"Do you have any idea what time it is over here?"

"Of course I do, but the news I have is so good I didn't think you would care what time I called. What, you didn't want to hear from your old trainer? I got you HOOKED ALLLLL the way up! This is some can't miss shit right here, Superstar!"

"What do you mean?" 

"Well, you ever heard of WrestleWorld? You know, that wrestling island that my old enemy Jaywalker runs? Well, they went on a hiring spree not long ago and I put in a word for you. I think that bastard still hates my guts but knows I have an eye for wrestling talent." 

"Not interested." 

"NOT INTERESTED? Why? Girl, do you know how LOADED that company is right now? I mean they basically are their own country right now! Could you imagine how much money you could make, how many perks you could squeeze out of this place once you take it over?!" 

"I hate big companies. Too much work...." 

"Look, level with me and I'll level with you. I've always seen a remarkable amount of talent in you. You don't need to do this kind of work with how loaded your family is but you chose to come train with me anyway. And you've chosen to slum it out in bingo halls and armories and all that shit. I don't know why you hate wrestling! You're one of the best I've trained at it...just, give this shit a chance, okay?"

"Something that's bothering me: you knew that I hated wrestling, but you trained me anyway. You know I have more money than I'll probably ever need, but you're trying to find me work that I don't want. Why?"

"Two reasons: First, I think you're full of shit. There's a lot of shit that is to be hated about wrestling, but I think deep down you really enjoy it more than you let on. Second, like I said, you may be the best I've seen put on a pair of boots. If you want it, there really is no limit to what you can do. I just want to see what happens when you land on a big stage. Just give it a chance. The contract's already prepared for you. All you have to do is come sign it."


"Stop playing like you're going to pass this shit up. I know the signing bonus alone is worth more than all that money you scammed out of that bum in Reseda!"

"And how did you know about that?"

"Being retired and all, you can put your ear to the ground and hear a lot of amazing stories if you listen well enough....Get on a plane and get to that island. Sign that contract."


The Silver Starlet Show: Pilot Episode ColdClassicBuffalo-small

It's funny now that I think about it. I trained to wrestle with Carlos Rosso in a state of the art dojo and my WrestleWorld debut will take place at the Dojo founded by Mr. Pendragon himself. Carlos, he was hard on us all but for some reason always seemed to come down on me especially hard. It didn't help me I guess that I was a little scrawny rich girl from California and it certainly didn't help that I was obviously the best in the class. No flaw went unnoticed; no mishap was acceptable. I didn't react to any of it, obviously. None of that screaming and shouting and all that really motivates me. Neither does completely patronizing me and kissing my ass. I had coaches like that in high school and believe me they do you no good when they don't even tell you when you're playing like crap. I'm sure most of you are wondering who is Emmanuelle, why did she come to Wrestleworld and things like that. I'm sure you've all heard the same crazy stories before. Bubblegum-pop divas turning into wrestlers, insane psychopaths looking for an outlet for their sadistic pleasures, white-meat clean cut good guys who are here to "give their all" for the sport of wrestling. Dastardly villains only out to plot and scheme their way to the top. I fit none of those tropes honestly. I'm really just someone looking to make my own money in the easiest way I know how. I hate this business, I have to confess. I think the people who run it are criminals and the people who participate in it are some of the most insane, glory-hungry pieces of scum walking this earth..and the people who watch it? Some of the most depraved, entitled pissants walking the planet. Do you people know how many times I've had to nearly break my knuckles when some overzealous mouthbreather would get a little too touchy-feely at a meet-and-greet? Do you have any idea what my DMs look like when I decide to open my social media accounts? It's not pretty. That said, the money involved definitely outweighs the risk and the pains in the ass that come along with the job. In simple terms, I am a parasite. I consume, infest, and eventually destroy. But instead of living people or animals and blood or flesh, I feed on wrestling promotions not unlike WrestleWorld. What I consume is money. Your titles, your clout. I don't want any of that shit. I'm here simply to collect my money and become so big, so important that the place simply can't function without me. And then I destroy it. That may sound nonsensical to think that one little mixed rich girl from Pacific Palisades can turn a promotion on its head but feel free to ask the independent circuit in California what I can do. 

The contract signing? Was basic. I do have to say that the offer presented was very generous and I wonder if my old trainer's reputation had something to do with it. It's only the start of what I came here for though. The apartment on the isle was a bit of a bonus, but the accommodations are admittedly a little more cramped than I'm accustomed to. I'll take care of that once I've got a few wins and a little cash under my belt. I was able to even make my way to the WrestleWorld dojo not long after signing. Not to learn anything or confess my undying love for pro wrestling. I simply went to survey and prepare myself...and to shoot an little piece talking about my opponents. Talking is another thing that a lot of wrestlers fail at. They scream at the top of their lungs about conquering and beating people up and winning this and that. I simply tell people the truth. I don't raise my voice or anything like that. Here's a sample: 

"You know, I've always been a solo act. Despite being someone who looks and behaves like they could belong into any of those bitchy high school cliques you could imagine, I don't like the company of others. I don't believe in shared credit for a job that more than likely I could have done alone. But on this week's DOMINION show, where I'm making my debut, I'm forced into a tag team match that I didn't ask for. The 'Wild Card' Invitational or whatever the hell. I don't care, but just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand the significance. This is the Pilot Episode of the Silver Starlet Show. All the other teams, all the opponents are all interesting in their own way but for just a moment I have to talk about my alleged partner, Axel Topnotch. He's a big enough guy to cover for the obvious weakness of me being much smaller than quite a few people involved. Let me just cut to the chase: I don't think this guy has it all on the top floor if you get my drift. He seems to legitimately believe that he's from another planet. I don't do tokusatsu and I don't like the idea of babysitting an idiot. But as long as the big goof does his job, I'll do mine. And the job this week is apparently beating up two other 'randomly generated' teams and the team responsible for this rotting pile of garbage, the Wild Cards. Reno Dumont and Nobi, a tag team that's not really a tag team. Two over the hill guys who this business has obviously worn out their welcome and are hopelessly outmatched. I do research, which may surprise some people. They see money, they hear my affinity for rap music and they see the way I look and think that even though I don't like wrestling I don't prepare. 

Truth be told? I like to know the caliber of dumbass that I am forced to deal with. 

Let's start with the aspiring tag team champions, shall we? I saw their performances during that so-called 'Trial of Seven' and in all honesty I wasn't impressed. Nobi and the Professional battered each other's brain cells and threw each other out of the cage and the match and Reno did Reno things. And by Reno things, I mean losing. The both of them have been turned away by Claudia and her outfit every time they've come close to something. Nobi is so simple-minded and obsessed with the short former pizza delivery man that he has already making assumptions. His team did indeed best my mentor, but what Mr Indonesian Muscle neglects to mention is that Carlos Rosso and his partner were attacked by someone and that more than left them vulnerable to the worst intentions of the 'Good Guys'. I suspect very strongly that these two are frauds. Reno's best days are far behind him and Nobi's not even teaming with his best option as a tag partner. Wouldn't it be funny if this initiative that they put together to prove that they are worthy of challenging for a title backfires and pushes them back even further into obscurity? 

Then there's another team made up of Nathan Quinn and MIYOJIN. Two books that you definitely can't judge by the covers. MIYOJIN is damn near as beautiful as I am but apparently he has a Mixed Martial Arts background. Nathan Quinn is a big rugged man but is at his heart just a man trying to live up to his family name and take care of his own growing branch of said family. I'm hardly one to begrudge someone making money, but to do it at my expense? Never that. Same goes for the pretty boy, too. I don't care about their hopes and dreams and I don't particularly care about them. I don't really look at wrestlers as opponents or enemies or friends. I look at fellow wrestlers as tools. Tools to do what? You guessed it, make money. These two, light work for the team I have. That giant robot wanna be should be more than enough for Mr Quinn and I don't think Miyojin will be eager to exchange strikes with me. I may not have an MMA background, but I have a beat-the-shit-out-of-you-with-my-elbows-and-knees background and it's pretty effective. 

And hold the presses, we've got a team of edgelords on the loose! Psychotic guy from New Zealand and a very pretty partner I have to add. What was her name, Red? I mean, both of them are very good wrestlers I'm sure. But, let's be honest here, how often are fans going to be entertained by the same 'RAWWRRRRRR I STRONG, EVERYONE WEAK CAUSE I COMMIT SACRIFICE OR DO THE VIOLENCE WITH WEAPONS GRRRRRAHHHH!' crap over and over again? What happened to originality? What happened to actually giving a shit about providing entertainment? I mean, I don't give a shit about people paying to see me perform, but I do understand that they're in need of something other than hard-working average joes, wannabe goths, pretty boys and psychopaths. As much as these six losers don't deserve it, they get to be front and center for the biggest debut in Wrestleworld history. What I plan on doing, one win at a time, one paycheck at a time, is to completely turn this place on its head. I know that I'm the exact antithesis of the Dojo that this match will be held in. It stands for honor, tradition, discipline. 

Honor is for suckers.

Tradition is for cowards.

Discipline is for an elementary school class.

The Silver Starlet Show is set to premiere and this assorted collection of cliched, played out wrestling tropes will go by the wayside after my partner's hand and mine are raised. Something that my mentor Carlos told me a long time ago and it definitely applies to everyone involved in this match:

Winning is your cash flow in this line of work. When somebody starts creating cash flow problems...you create blood flow problems.

Game Time, Show Time, Star Time, and all six of you are Out of damn Time."

Meh, not quite flashy enough just yet. But I'm eager to step inside that ring. Not because I like wrestling, but because there is a hilarious bit of irony in the girl who has everything, the looks, the moves and the money, taking things from people that they desire the most.

A win in this dump of a building will be only the beginning.

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