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PostSubject: Ozymandias   Ozymandias I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 23, 2020 4:08 am

Ozymandias RRbPhzL


August 9th, 2020


Neutral Territory, Wrestleworld

Crown Coliseum

Championship Win
While Havoc settled the score with his rival Tristan Killebrew, the day prior on DOMINION, 20 hungry competitors battled it out in a fierce contest known as "Carnival Carnage" with a future European Championship opportunity on the line. Ozymandias would arrived and absolutely dominate the match from start to finish; ultimately eliminating Teddy Mac to secure his victory and Championship shot. Following Kingdom Come, Ozymandias would make his presence well known to Havoc by brutally assaulting him and threatening to drown him as a "sacrifice". Havoc would meet this intimidation with some of his own as he lured Ozymandias into the Wrestleworld Carnival before ambushing him and threatening to set Ozymandias on fire. The two men would finally collide at Dreamworld, where Ozymandias would once again prove his shocking dominance to Havoc by capturing the Champion in a thrashing Bear Hug and winning the European Championship when Havoc eventually succumbed and passed out from the sheer pain.

Championship Loss
October 18th, 2020: Following his dominant victory at Dreamworld, Ozymandias set out to find an appropriate new challenger for his European Championship. He selected Colt Montoya to be his first target; attacking Colt and laying him out to "send a message". The following week, Colt would return the favor with an ambush on Ozymandias following another dominant victory. The week after, Ozymandias would target Colt's Manager, Kimberly Chase, inviting her to the Wrestleworld Carnival that he had taken over since becoming Champion and using her as a distraction for another emphatic assault on Colt Montoya. However, at By The Sword, Ozymandias would find a greater match than anticipated and ultimate fell to Colt Montoya in a shocking upset to receive the first true loss of his career in Wrestleworld.
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