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Allesandro Devastation
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PostSubject: Ozymandias   Ozymandias I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 13, 2020 10:33 pm

General Information

Ring Name: Ozymandias

Real Name: Baldur Magnusson

Nicknames: ‘Ozymandias’, The Butcher of Reine’

Hometown: Reine, Norway


Physical Information

Pic Base: Bane (The Dark Knight Rises)

Height: 6’ 5”

Weight: 310 lbs.

General Appearance: A larger, hulking man Ozymandias tends to wear a certain style of clothing- larger coats, heavier pants, black boots (combat or similar). Comfortable yet functional. When not fighting he is often working at the docks, so can be seen in classic fishing garb, waterproof coveralls, bomber coats etc. On top he wears a variation from tank tops, utility vests but always...always...wearing his mask.

In-Ring Outfit of Choice: Much like his casual wear, he prefers to wear comfortable yet functional attire when fighting. Cargo pants or similar, black combat boots or similar, but on top he fights topless. During less intimidating or pressing fights, he might roll off the plane and fight in what he’s already wearing. This is, and should be considered an offense.


Gimmick Information

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Tendency to Cheat: Sometimes, he fights fair but doesn’t stop at the belt usually. And will use his environment to his advantage too.

Gimmick Description: Former ex-professional fighter with a seasoned history in wrestling has returned to the ring to spread a message, not warning opponents of himself but of a greater power. Slightly insane, slightly chaotic notions.

Brief Biography:
Reine, Norway. Where it all began, many many moons ago. Just a boy, the son of a local fisherman Baldur was raised knowing the merits of hard work and perseverance, and how important family and legacy were. He allowed himself very little luxuries, leaning more towards working alongside his father and providing to his family as his reward. However, being a young boisterous kid he did allow himself some time to enjoy his favourite sport online- wrestling.

As the years came and went, Baldur grew into his large frame, quickly dwarfing his father and outsizing and outshining his fellow fishers. His strength seemed boundless, his appetite for work insatiable! A man with unending energy, delighted in his own fatigue when it dared visit him. However, as much as he loved his work the small channels of fish alongside the shores of Reine slowly thinned and so did his days on that water. His family felt the pinch, as the shortage of fishing equated to less income from the markets. Quite quickly, the entire village was struggling, their main source of life now being taken from them. To survive, they would need bigger vessels, strong and fierce enough to battle open waters. Vessels however, were not affordable on a simple fish merchant's take. So against the wall, Baldur searched for opportunities and avenues to aid his family, and quickly found one- boxing.

He travelled to Oslo where he entered himself into some minor matches and club fights, quickly and easily climbing the ranks. His knockout power was unseen before, he became an overnight sensation. Fights slowly got better, turned into paid fights, and he was able to make some money from his ventures. But it was not enough. Haggered from training, fighting, stress and worry, he sat on a bench one night with his head in his hands, a failure in his own mind. But then with a stroke of good luck, an angel came to him… in the form of a talent scout. “Come to America kid, wrestle with the pro’s. You’ve seen them on TV, you’d make a fine wrestler, be a star in no time.” Sounded good, too good almost but unless he took the plunge, he would never know.

So in the early 00’s, Baldur made his way stateside. A time when wrestling was the King of entertainment, when all other sports paled in comparison to him, Baldur made his way into a small Arizona-based federation called Debug Inc. Wrestling Federation (DIWF). His name, his origins, everything about him screamed ‘make me a viking’ however the storyboards had a different idea for him. With them changing his looks completely, and asking him to work with an American accent they would redubb the man as ‘Axel Steele’. Abhorred by the name, along with the gimmick of ‘former pro-weightlifter becomes current pro-wrestling superstar’, Baldur was beside himself. He fought to keep his name, challenged the decisions of all involved but was ultimately met with a ‘take it or leave it’ option. The name change was final, the deal was the deal. No discussion. Without recourse for changes, Baldur accepted his fate.

Axel Steele, former world record holder -turned- professional wrestler. Baldur was asked to shave his head, lose some belly fat and start taking steroids. He was given tips on how to dehydrate, how to cut, how to make himself look every bit the star he admired in Austin, Taker, Johnson and so on. So, with his family in his mind and his dream before him, Baldur played along. Axel Steele debuted in the DIWF two months later, and the rest is history.

From 2002 to 2006 Axel Steele tore through the DIWF. Winning titles, breaking streaks and reigns, he made a name for himself in the media and also accomplished that which started him on this journey; funding his family and relatives in Reine. The family managed to purchase a large trawler, and some caging vessels which more than tripled their normal hauls and was enough to keep everyone in the small community fed and housed entirely. Baldur also enjoyed another benefit of travelling to American, his naturalization.

Now officially an American citizen, he returned home only to discover that his father had taken ill and was going to need medical care. Another blow for the family. Reine was too small to even have a hospital, and Norway did not have the right treatment centers so Baldur looked back to America and found several avenues that could aid his weakening parent. A sad but necessary decision would be made, and that is to relocate Baldur’s entire family to the United States. They searched for a suitable new place that they could call home, one that keeps them close to their roots and more importantly, to the sea. Nords are very stubborn about their ancestry, and moving his father inland would only increase the stress on his father so they reached out to a few acquaintances. Baldur’s father had connections in Old Harbour, another smaller fishing village in Alaska. A childhood friend of his who sought out greener pastures travelled to the States in their youth, but would send postcards and letters home despite the years. Baldur sought out this friend of his father, and soon the voyage was planned. They would travel to Old Harbour.

And so this story brings us to today, to the small village of Old Harbour on the North Pacific Ocean. More than a decade has passed, and Baldur has not interacted with the media in that time. The man that once was Baldur Magnusson, is now something… different.

Motivations: Family. That is it, everything he does in life is for his family. However his family are not what you would expect...


Wrestling Information

Entrance Theme: ‘In Maidjan’ - Heilung

Entrance Description:

As the slow, creeping sounds of Heilung start to play the lights around the entrance dim down to bare visibility. The drums of the song beat, as small glimpses of a rainstorm can be seen on screen. The stage itself begins to billow out a thick fog, a cold mist curling its way along the platform and down the ramp. Quickly, the stage itself is engulfed in the fog, as much of the ramp is also. A small light shines its weak glow from the entrance, shining against the figure of a man. His silhouette, huge in size against the soft light now moves as he does, down the ramp and through the curtain of mist. He emerges towards the end of the ramp, his form now fully visible… Ozymandias.

He pauses before the ring, staring into the squared-cage before slowly removing his jacket and placing it under the apron. He stands upright, cracks his neck in both directions then power-squats onto the apron, before entering through the ropes.

Wrestling Style: A crazed, brutish fighter that doesn’t hold back. He uses his strength and power to his advantage, mixture high-impacting moves with a plethora of suplexes. Think Lesnar meets Baz Rutten.

Favorite Match Type: Last Man Standing/ Iron Man

Favorite Weapon: Environmental (exposed turnbuckle, railings/ barriers, the apron/ ring itself etc.)

Moveset Information

Common Moves:
Heavy Clothesline
Belly to Belly Suplex
Pop-Up Spinebuster
Thrusting Knee
Spinning Back Kick
Release German Suplex
Running Rising Knee
Jumping Bicycle Kick
Heavy Missile Dropkick
Fallaway Body Toss

Signature Moves:

‘Arms of Azathoth’ - Thrashing Bearhug

Ozymandias Tumblr_pez740toHV1uvyu9yo3_540

‘The Call’ - Release Crucifix Powerbomb 

Ozymandias Tumblr_n9mxzkZ0Ce1ti6gxco1_500

Finishing Moves:

‘Sinking Faith’ - Jackhammer Suplex 

Ozymandias Tenor

Special/Ultimate Finisher:
‘World Ender’ - Fireman Carry/ Military Press into Rising Knee to Ribs (Often breaks ribs/ badly injures opponent) 

Ozymandias VioletClutteredDamselfly-size_restricted


Additional Notes about the Character

Name: Steve
Age: 33
Twitter: N/A
Discord: HYPE#3042

Last edited by Ozymandias on Tue Jan 05, 2021 7:16 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Allesandro Devastation
Allesandro Devastation

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Ozymandias Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ozymandias   Ozymandias I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 13, 2020 10:37 pm

I dig it heavily. Welcome and enjoy!
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Ozymandias Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ozymandias   Ozymandias I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 13, 2020 11:04 pm

Thank you! It might take me some time to figure out how the boards work, I'm fresh off a couple years of ProBoards!
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PostSubject: Re: Ozymandias   Ozymandias I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 13, 2020 11:19 pm

Welcome, have fun.
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PostSubject: Re: Ozymandias   Ozymandias I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2020 4:34 am

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Ozymandias Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ozymandias   Ozymandias I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2020 4:42 am

Hiya sexy 😍

About time you got here
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El Drake Jaeger
El Drake Jaeger

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PostSubject: Re: Ozymandias   Ozymandias I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 16, 2020 3:09 pm

Unique pic base! Welcome to Wrestleworld!
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Ozymandias Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ozymandias   Ozymandias I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 08, 2020 5:22 pm

Made some changes to my Special Moves, added in examples/ clips to help.
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PostSubject: Re: Ozymandias   Ozymandias I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 08, 2020 5:30 pm

That guy should be going to jail for that crucifix powerbomb. Absolutely disgusting.

Ozy is a beast, man.
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Stephanie Matsuda
Stephanie Matsuda

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PostSubject: Re: Ozymandias   Ozymandias I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 14, 2020 3:17 pm

Late to the party, but welcome!
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PostSubject: Re: Ozymandias   Ozymandias I_icon_minitime

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