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 VAK - Org Chart Presentation

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PostSubject: VAK - Org Chart Presentation    VAK - Org Chart Presentation  I_icon_minitimeMon May 24, 2021 4:52 pm

VAK - Org Chart Presentation  7yTmHbL

(In one of his many board rooms, Jaywalker appears before a presentation paper board.)

Sometimes in life, you know people that you think just don't get it when you talk to them. Sometimes this can be frustrating. You start thinking perhaps their brain is all mush or just don't have the initiative to understand. Trust me. Even I succumb to these feelings from time to time. From personal experience, I thought maybe my friend had stayed too long as an in-ring competitor, and all the bumps to her head had made her lose the brainpower she used to have. It's only natural; speaking is the simplest and most effective way to convey a message to the broadest array of people with the least amount of resources. It's also the laziest way—the cheapest option. I'm Jaywalker, and I'm here to say no professional business should ever completely rely on using the least amount of resources when building an organization. That's where VAK comes on. In the business and education world, we like acronyms. In this case, it stands for Visual-Auditory-Kinesthetic learning. Three ways people process information.

And just to be clear, kinesthetic means physical, for example, when I'm going to go out there and physically impose my will on Claudia Michaels in the wrestling ring.

Claudia, I want to say that after all the time I've thought of this, I've realized I might not have been considering your needs. It's just that this ordeal was so important to me that I was only thinking of myself. Racking my brain, I was doing everything I personally felt would make you understand why after over a decade as friends, I would have to show the ugly side of myself to you for the first time. Why, for the first and only time, I'm going to have to beat you within an inch of your life and take everything away from you. Having to get rid of a friend of mine has been something that has dulled my professionalism, and that wasn't fair to you. I was trying auditorily to explain to you why I had to get rid of you, and when that didn't work, I was skipping to the kinesthetic, and I never asked if you were simply a visual learner.

But Claudia, you're in luck. You know I'm the trailblazer. That means I go to uncharted territory all the time. And why do people do that? So they can chart maps out for others. So I'm actually exceptionally talented at preparing charts for people.

(Jaywalker flips the blank paper, so the board has the next page, revealing an org chart.)

VAK - Org Chart Presentation  8hYaH0d

See this Claudia? This is what they call an org chart. It's just another hierarchy tool, no different than a food chain when you think about it. It tells you who in charge, who reports to who, and in a perfect world, who disciplines who. Notice where you are? Let me ask you, Claudia if a McDonald's employee burns someone's food at a store do you think the CEO of McDonald's will show up to do something, or will it be the supervisor at the store? Or if a principal goes outside during a recess, which scene do you think would be most likely to earn his attention, two kids fighting or seeing a teacher pull out a knife on a student?

Sorry, there I go again with the auditory. Lets go to the visual for your concerns that you think are more pertinent for me to act on, rather than your misuse of the power I gave you.

Someone or some people attacked Jungle Jaguar? First off, this is professional wrestling, not ballet. Bad things happen all the time. But most importantly, ask Drake & Jones, see the chart..

(Jaywalker circles the CDP division in which Jungle Jaguar was in.)

VAK - Org Chart Presentation  RZq1Cc9

Stephanie Matsuda attacking commentator Robbie V. The lows you and Cloud stooped to were all because of your actions, you even began antagonizing each other in other companies, I only acted to make sure it didn't get worse. You were supposed to oversee Matsuda, as per the chart.

(Jaywalker circles Claudia's American Dream Division.)

VAK - Org Chart Presentation  Ach8J7n

Nobi, who you call your brother of some sort, brutalizing your hired gun The Professional? Well, that's easy. The entire vile activity on both sides in that rivalry was under one jurisdiction.

VAK - Org Chart Presentation  Ach8J7n

Wraith, sometimes aided by Cash Corleone, harassing a female client? You had quite the nerve for this one. Not only was it your division, but it was YOUR Underworld as the perpetrators. Most likely, it was your dominatrix shtick at the time with the handcuffs and whips that emboldened this sexual degeneracy.

VAK - Org Chart Presentation  Ach8J7n
Noticing a pattern here Claudia? Most of these incidents that you proclaim are a stain on Wrestleworld happened under your watch! Considering how you throw tantrums anytime I try to regulate your actions? Which is my job? Just imagine what kind of enraged type of Claudia I would have on my hands if I started to micromanage outside of my job what the clients in your division do! You probably would have sent the Underworld after me, like you tried to do with Jay Jones.

And that's the biggest problem. You're a leader. You're beautiful, charismatic, and highly regarded in this business. People naturally are inclined to be slightly subservient towards you. That's why I was hoping you'd be my responsible second in command in Wrestleworld! If I am the father of Wrestlewrold, you could have been the mother figure!

Unfortunately, instead of being useful, you have used all your abilities to be a toxic element to the Wrestleworld brand.

Even with Drake & Jones, you know they look up to you. How am I meant to effectively get them in line if you continuously undermine me? Of course, they tend to slack off. They always see you drinking wine from your balcony while all hell breaks loose while you're entertained watching, without you lifting a finger. Of course, they converted their islands to a fetish Japan display. They watched you deck out your castle like a BDSM horror show.

You have given me no choice but to have to rip out that poison tongue of yours Claudia. All you do is spread lies and misinformation, and we all know how dangerous that is from the world's current climate. You do this because you'll do ANYTHING for power and supremacy. Unlike me, you just can't stand it if people aren't thinking about you. See, that was our biggest lie of all, Claudia, this idea that I want people to brown-nose. I'd much rather the clients don't think much of me at all, it's annoying when they're always looking for me to do stuff about what you do or they invade my EpiCenter talk show to tell me their life stories and problems. I'd much rather clients fight clients, and make me money and grow Wrestleworld! If it were possible, I'd have sent someone in my stead to deal with you, but check the org chart, it really is my job to deal with you.

Both in business and in wrestling. I'm the singular figure that's above you.

(Jaywalker flips it over to reveal another chart. This time of professional wrestling. Jaywalker at the top. Obviously, this isn't very objective and focused on Jaywalker's mind for Wrestleworld.)

VAK - Org Chart Presentation  CDZL5iQ

(Jaywalker grins a bit, knowing old habits have returned him, before flipping the board to a blank page.)

You know I can't help it, Claudia, this is why I shouldn't be competing! It brings out my egotistical side, competitive nature, and nature to impose myself over others. At the same time, to defeat a demon, you need a bigger devil. I'm the only person around who might be even worse than you are, Claudia. That's why we used to get along so much! It's unfortunate that you just don't have the vision to look at this industry in new ways. You are stuck in the old ways. Believe me, you are!

You don't think anyone can pick up the torch? Of course, you don't, you still think like you're a regular wrestler. Let me give you a clue Claudia, the way your mind works right now, you'd never find someone who was suitable to be the American Dream Champion. I could work with our AI and make a leap in science to clone you, and you'd still find a reason to tell me why your exact copy isn't good enough to walk the ground you walk on. Every great competitor in this sport always thinks they should be at the top and can provide something at the table that no one else can! It's only that some competitors have more people who agree with their outlook of themselves than other wrestlers do. Some wrestlers are actually as good as they think they are. People like you and me. If you don't have confidence, this business isn't for you as a normal wrestler reaching for the top! I never stopped thinking I was the greatest wrestler there ever was; I just managed to compartmentalize it and think I had better things to do in creating this empire. I told myself I could fund the most unique place on earth and provide the clients and fans with the most freeing experience there ever was. Yes, only I, Jaywalker, can build a world where even the most basic of wrestlers would have a chance to create worlds in themselves! That's how big and malleable my confidence is! Unfortunately, I overestimated you because you were always my most reliable companion, I thought you could learn new tricks too

Instead, you're just an old dog that has to be put down. Excuse my lack of sentimentality, but we both know that's just another thing the two of us have always been disgusted by in this business. Take it as a sign of respect. I never forgot our old tricks, I still capable of being the meanest in the yard, and you will be shown little in the way of mercy inside our tribute to the extreme. If you have any doubts, I can flip that switch back on. Regardless of the visuals and the auditory, you'll know it by the touch when I rend flesh and break bones. Your husband Robbie should have told you what happened the last time he thought I just didn't have it anymore, and I got dragged back into this old battlefield. I beat him too. Back then, it was just for me deep down. This time, maybe it'll be for me too, I don't want to lose on our one and only ever encounter, but it'll also be for the betterment of Wrestleworld. Which at the end of the day, something you never understood, what's best for Wrestleworld is best for me. It could have been for you too.

(Jaywalker flips the board paper over again and leaves it on one last image to end the video.)

VAK - Org Chart Presentation  GYvm73M
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