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 Arata Asakura

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Posts : 255
Join date : 2019-07-07

Arata Asakura Empty
PostSubject: Arata Asakura   Arata Asakura I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 26, 2019 6:49 am

Arata Asakura 4ZUjgQK

Brian Daniels (Architect)

October 20th, 2019

Chapter 3: "Golden Dragonborn"

Neutral Territory, Wrestleworld

Heavens Arena

Championship Win
After a successful debut defeating Nobi at Chapter 1, Arata Asakura wasted no time confronting Shogun Architect, Brian Daniels, at Chapter 2 and challenging him to a match for the coveted Shogun Championship. Put between a rock and a hard place with his ongoing rivalry with Tiberius Jones and his duties as an Architect, Brian Daniels elected to put the Shogun Championship on the line for the first time at Chapter 3 to please both Arata and Wrestleworld Director, Jaywalker. At Chapter 3, both men showed respect to one another with a handshake before partaking in a high caliber main event bout that featured back and forth action between both competitors. Tiberius Jones and Drake Jaeger - potentially looking to taint the match in Arata's favor to humiliate Daniels - were met with an aggressive refusal from Arata, who intended to win the match on his own without any intervention. This distraction would nearly cost Arata the match due to the veteran skill and awareness of Brian Daniels to take advantage of the situation. However, Arata would manage to overcome Daniels' desperate attempts to put the match away and ultimately seal a victory with the "Golden Dragon" to Daniels for the pinfall victory; successfully becoming not only the first competitor to challenge for an Architect's Championship, but also becoming the first to succeed in being crowned as the first ever Shogun Champion.

Championship Defenses
December 15th, 2019: Chapter 6: "Double Jeopardy" of Wrestleworld, Arata Asakura was challenged to defend his Shogun Championship by Chad Kennedy. Kennedy attempted to catch the Champion off-guard with a distraction from Kelsey, but it proved to be not nearly enough as Asakura quickly took control of the match and soundly defeated Kennedy using Jacob Senn's "Shadow Step" Curb Stomp finishing maneuver for the pinfall victory.

December 29th, 2019: At Violent Ends, Arata took on his greatest challenge to date after Jacob Senn won a Number 1 Contender's Match for a shot at the Shogun Championship. Senn first confronted Asakura following Brian Daniels' brutal defeat at the hands of Tiberius Jones at Violent Delights, which Senn blamed Arata for. Arata - believing Senn did not truly even care about what happened to Daniels but instead was frustrated that he wasn't the one to first take the Shogun Championship - laid out the initial challenge. After the match was made official, Senn and Asakura were chosen by Drake & Jones to compete in the Drake & Jones Games as a Tag Team. Neither man could co-exist and after barely surviving the 1st Round, Senn abandoned Asakura for the Semi-Finals until he finally came out to attempt to force a Disqualification that ended with Asakura being knocked out of the ring while Senn took the fall. Senn refused to show any ounce of respect to Asakura as both men clashed in the ring at Violent Ends; putting on a display of strong style that left Wrestleworld fans in awe. The end saw Asakura counting a top rope Shadow Step into a Dragon Screw Leg Whip and finishing the match with his patented Golden Dragon finishing maneuver - putting away any doubt to both Senn and any other naysayers that he is the rightful Shogun Champion.

January 26th, 2020: Arata Asakura publicly challenged Jaydayne Pendragon to a match, but was declined. Arata suggested he would face whoever is in his way until Jaydayne relented and gave him the match he desired. The following Chapter, in typical "taking on all comers" fashion, Arata was challenged by the young Raoul. The match opened the show and became very quickly one-sided after a shocking near fall that almost gave Raoul the huge upset victory. Arata decisively defeated Raoul via Submission with the Touch of Gold.

June 14th, 2020: Following his previous successful defense, Arata Asakura took upon a greater role as the go-to competitor throughout Wrestleworld as he took his odyssey to greater heights; successfully challenging and defeating the second Architect to represent the Shogun Championship in Jaydayne Pendragon in what was fiercely competitive match that left both men leaving with a greater respect for one another. After that, Asakura joined the first ever King of the World Tournament in which he received a 1st Round Bye for being a Champion that he would utilize by winning his first two matches and heading to the Finals at King of the World, where he would ultimately taste his first big defeat at the hands of Tristan Killebrew. Following King of the World, Asakura sought to get back on track as the reigning Shogun Champion and arguable face of Wrestleworld; only for a recently-made rival in the Omega Wrestling Alliance known as Reginald Dampshaw III decided to take it upon himself to take an excursion to Wrestleworld where he brutally attacked Asakura and made it known he was aiming for the Shogun Championship. Having lost gold to Asakura before, Dampshaw arrived in Wrestleworld with the intention of making Asakura feel the same pain of utter defeat and humiliation. Having exploited and attacked the same leg that Killebrew injured at King of the World, Dampshaw mentally cornered the Shogun Champion as Asakura struggled to be healthy enough in order to accept Dampshaw's challenge for a match at Kingdom Come. Dampshaw inflicted punishment upon Asakura's ally in Raoul while Asakura fought with Jaydayne Pendragon to be allowed to compete. In the end, the match was made and both men were intent on finishing their business with one another. The match itself gave both competitors an outlet to unleash every ounce of emotion and hatred for one another as Dampshaw looked to finally put down Asakura and take everything away from him while Asakura sought to prove he's still the best in Wrestleworld, the rightful Shogun Champion, and that he can once more defeat Dampshaw. In the end, despite being bloodied and injured, Asakura was able to put Dampshaw away once and for all by relying on his Touch of Gold submission that led to the pass out submission victory.

Championship Loss
June 14th, 2020: Following his victory over rival Reginald Dampshaw III, Asakura was viciously attacked by Dampshaw, who was eventually escorted out of the Stadium. However, Jacob Senn appeared from the crowd and capitalized on the brutalized Asakura before demanding to cash in his Emerald Briefcase. Despite much confusion from everyone around about the contents of the Briefcase, Senn seemingly had the right contract for it and the Referee okayed the match to happen. Asakura attempted to fight back, but ultimately succumbed to exhaustion and injuries as Senn struck him with a third Shadow Step before capturing the pinfall victory.
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